“Getting Ahead of the Narrative”
This is not a recap of Succession Season 4, Episode 3, entitled “Connor’s Wedding”. That’s coming later, with the help of a guest critic!
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For your own good.
Here’s a picture of Nicholas Braun looking cool:

By this point, I hope you have seen this episode, so I’ll say it:
Logan Roy is dead.
In the third episode of the season! In an airplane bathroom! Death be not proud, am I right???
I’ll keep this brief: “Connor’s Wedding” is staggering in its complexity, its confusion, and its realism in confronting a sudden death. The main cast brought us to a place where we pitied the worst people in the world.
Every single character lacks a sense of self in Logan’s absence, so it will be fascinating to see how they move on without him. Will the Siblings Alliance survive the grieving process? Is Kendall going to fall apart again? What is Kerry’s place in this? Does Logan even have a will?
SEVEN more episodes!!!!! Get ready for a bloodbath.
Keep your eyes peeled for a recap by a very special guest!